Pasadena Federal Credit Union

Upgrade to more rewards!

Spend smartly by earning more points with our Mastercard Platinum Rewards. Enjoy exclusive Mastercard perks such as redeeming points for travel, cash, gift cards, and more.

You decide how to get the most out of your points! Upgrade to our Pasadena FCU Mastercard Platinum Rewards and get the most out of your holiday shopping today.

Save more this season with our PFCU Mastercard.

Lower your monthly credit card payments by transferring your balance to our low, fixed-rate PFCU Mastercard.
Enjoy no annual fees, zero balance transfer fees and zero cash advance fees.

Learn more by clicking here.

Introducing our new Youth Accounts

Jumpstart your child's financial journey with PFCU!
Build healthy financial habits with our Youth Savings and Youth Checking accounts. 

Learn more by clicking here.

Voted "San Gabriel Valley's Favorite"

Pasadena FCU has been voted San Gabriel Valley’s Favorite Local Credit Union in 2024 for the fifth consecutive year by the community and readers of Pasadena Star News, San Gabriel Tribune, and LA Daily News. Become a member today!

Young woman holding an infant and looking at a smartphone

Rates lower than most in the area.

Renovating, landscaping or just in need of a line of credit for unexpected expenses, we can help. Enjoy rates as low as 8.25% APR*.

View Our HELOCs

Woman looking at a smartphone

Start on the path to greater financial control.

We believe trusted guidance gives you the power to improve your finances and your life. Access interactive learning modules on important topics and share knowledge with loved ones.

View Financial Education

Couple looking over papers and a calculator

Create a road map to help you achieve your retirement goals.

Schedule a complimentary one-on-one consultation with our financial advisor today. We offer 529 Savings, retirement income plans and investment services.

View Financial Planning & Management

Young kid opening a piggy bank

We have the tools to help your younger members financially.

Good saving habits start at a young age. Pasadena FCU is ready to walk alongside them in their financial journey.

View Youth Accounts

Mastercard Credit

Our Mastercard Platinum credit cards offer competitive fixed rates, lower monthly payments and no annual fees. Enjoy outstanding benefits and access to unique experiences.

A fixed-rate card with no annual fee, no cash advance fee and no balance transfer fee. Rates as low as 10.99% APR.

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A fixed-rate card with no annual fee, no cash advance fee and no balance transfer fee. Earn valuable rewards points on all your card purchases and redeem them for cash, gift cards, and travel. Rates as low as 12.99% APR.

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